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Bold Business Podcast

Sep 29, 2022

It takes time to create meaningful relationships in life and business. When you know what you want to accomplish, you know where to put your effort and how to build relationships with those that can help you reach your goals. 

Relationships help with this learning and journeying. In this program, you will learn...

Sep 22, 2022

Your skills can never be taken away. Once you have them, they are yours for the rest of your life. Also, skills take time and energy to build, and your learning experiences always come from less-than-ideal situations. You build your resilience with each lesson. 

Listen to this BOLD Business Podcast episode to learn how...

Sep 15, 2022

Regardless of skill or background, you are always learning and taking risks, constantly checking in with your gut and listening to your instinct about when to step into something new. The foundational piece is WHY you are doing what you are doing. 

In this broadcast, you will hear about the three pillars used for making...

Sep 8, 2022

Success happens when a company recognizes the importance of the WHY behind good leadership teams. 

With clarity around the expectations, a leadership team that learns to work together collectively is able to respond with greater capacity to the problems and issues that crop up along the way.

Learn more about the...

Sep 1, 2022

The skills you need to run and grow your business differ from those you have for selling and delivering your solution. 

Finding repeatable processes offers indications about what levers you have within your business to grow. Once your process is known, the levers become clear, and your focus can be on optimizing the...