Oct 28, 2021
We bear responsibility for our actions, and yet most of us only look at this obligation insomuch as it impacts ourselves / our lives. The thing is … there are people watching us, deciding how they feel about the actions we take, and whether or not the outcomes are something they want to change or embrace. Jess...
Oct 14, 2021
The right action at the right time is only part of the equation. The other part is recognizing when something is working (or not) and choosing to make intentional adjustments. More time engaging with your strategy may be necessary, yet using four or more hours differently may also be needed. As you plan for next year,...
Oct 1, 2021
In this conversation, Tobin Lehman, President at New North, shares how he planned his sabbatical, prepared his team, and then stepped back knowing that he could not predict what he would come back to. He shares the purpose for taking time away, what he learned about himself, what his team learned they needed from him,...